Simple Measures
Conducted in an intensive care unit at Salem Hospital, this study looks at non-pharmacological interventions to reduce ICU-associated delirium. Tangles are used among other non-pharmacologic interventions as activity engagements during daytime hours for patients with dementia and acute delirium.
Click on the image to view the full poster presentation.
Reducing the Effects of Auditory and Visual Distraction on the Math Performances of Students with ADHD
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, Vol. 15, No. 1, May 2010, 1, 1-11.
Abstract: Two explanatory studies assessed the effects of an intervention on the math problem solving of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In the first study, students were assessed on a visual task in a high stimulation classroom analog setting with and without the use of a fine motor activity. Results showed that the fine motor activity was associated with more math problems correct. In the second study, students were presented with a visual task with and without auditory distraction. Results showed that the auditory distraction impeded performance but that the fine motor activity mitigated the effects of the distraction. Although the results of these studies are modest, they suggest that fine motor activity may affect the performances of students with ADHD and future research is needed.
Click the link below to read the full PDF.
The Keyhole® Rainbow Resource Kit: Meeting the Needs of Parents of Newly Diagnosed Preschoolers with ASD
Early Childhood Development and Care, Vol. 181, No. 3, April 2011, 321-334.
Abstract: A resource kit containing information booklets about ASD, selected toys and playthings, and communication aids was developed and evaluated with 29 volunteer mothers supported by service personnel who visited on an average of six occasions. A mix of qualitative and quantitative methodologies was used in the evaluation. Nearly all mothers found the kit helpful to their child, to them personally, and to some extent to the wider family. On post-testing, mothers reported that the child had fewer problems relating to play as a result of using the kit. The child’s relationships with others and difficulties with imitation had also improved. Mothers felt less stressed in their interactions with the child. On average, the mothers had received around 10 hours of home-based support and the costs of the kits were also modest. This approach offers a value-for-money, practical approach to meeting the needs of families awaiting diagnosis and those who have recently been diagnosed.
Click the link below to read the full PDF.
The Keyhole® Rainbow Resource Kit
The Effects of Added Physical Activity on Performance during a Listening Comprehension Task for Students with and without Attention Problems
International Journal of Applied Educational Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, April 2012, 19-32.
Abstract: We conducted this study to investigate the effect of adding physical activities (sitting on therapy ball versus doodling) on listening comprehension of children with and without attention problems. We used an alternating treatment design to investigate the effects added motor activities, therapy balls versus doodling. Results show that all of the participants answered more comprehension questions compared to the baseline conditions. However , both the therapy ball condition and doodling conditions were equally effective with children. Implication for research and practice are discussed.
Click the link below to read the full PDF.
The Effects of Added Physical Activity on Performance during a Listening Comprehension Task for Students with and without Attention Problems
The Design of a Smokefree Home Leaflet and Home Pack: a Guernsey Case Study
Health Education, Vol. 111, No. 6, 2011, 514-525.
“The aim of this case study is to explore and understand the behavior and beliefs of young mothers below the age of 23 years, towards passive smoking and to get their input in designing a smokefree home leaflet that would be distributed to all young mothers of the island. We also wanted to obtain their ideas about what to include in the smokefree home pack that would also be delivered to the young mothers in the future.”
A Tangle Jr was included in this packet, with a Quitline phone number imprinted on it, as the only direct tool for assisting smoking cessation and lowering stress along with supportive promotional items such as stickers and magnets. Speaking of the participants the study states in the conclusion, “They all actively contributed to the designing of the smokefree home leaflet and of the smokefree home pack.”
Click the link below to read the full PDF.
The design of a smokefree home leaflet and home pack: a Guernsey case study